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What is a RS2 Comp turbo?
Take a RS2 turbo apart, then a "7200 comp" apart, there is a difference. Cold side housing and turbo wheel are different, BTDT. Basically, if you use whatever KKK's numbering system is at the time (I did this back in 94 - at least 2 numbering systems ago), you will find that the cold side wheel is larger on the 7200 Competition. The RS2 'Competition' is actually and
ascribed misnomer, as the "RS2 Comp" really doesn't exist. What does exist is the "7200 Competition". Which is EXACTLY how KKK delivered the RS2 hot side housing, RS2 hot side wheel, and RS2 "+1" cold side wheel and housing. KKK also labeled the box it came in "7200 Competition". I know this, cuz I sold about a dozen of them when they were available.
The easiest way to tell the RS2 plane jane from the 7200 Competition is that the plane jane comes with the Audi tag on the cold side, the 7200 Comp doesn't come with any tag on the cold side. The hot side housing and wheel will carry the same part number, so will the center bearing section (it should they are both K26 derivatives).
There is also another cold side (wheel and housing) that is larger than the 7200 Competition. I currently run 1 of these in my fleet.
Everyone has "opinions" on these turbos, and it would appear it's shrouded in grand mystery. I laugh, KKK knew what that hot side was (awesome), and (my guess) KKK was likely restricted in using a Porsche/Audi proprietary "RS2 Turbo". The rules have changed since, because the only way to build a 7200 Comp these days, is to order the RS2 turbo complete, and add larger cold side wheel/housing. Bringing full circle what I did to my first RS2 turbo in
- original post
Scott Justusson
QSHIPQ Performance Tuning